eBay Open Sourced its JavaScript IDE

By: Justin Early

If you’re using JavaScript for your web site, you will probably want to do any or all of the following:

  • Release frequently
  • Ensure portability across devices
  • Use server-side JavaScript
  • Use multiple JavaScript libraries
  • … and you will have no tolerance for JavaScript runtime errors.

The VJET JavaScript IDE can help you meet these challenges. It replaces standard text editors or simple JavaScript editors used by many JavaScript developers today, and brings common IDE features to JavaScript. VJET helps you focus on coding by providing assistance and support during the full development lifecycle.

Here are some of the features you will enjoy:

  • Code JavaScript faster and more accurately with code completion, code templates, and wizards
  • Search for JavaScript types and relationships using the call hierarchy, type hierarchy, references, implementers, etc.. Find quality search results faster  than grep.
  • Identify type errors using Java-like semantic validation – are you using the JavaScript APIs or user defined type correctly? Find out before the user does.
  • Execute and debug JavaScript with full run-time and debug support.
  • Take advantage of a professional IDE for Eclipse with Java-like tool features such as syntax highlighting, semantic highlighting, outline view, quick outline view, occurrence markers, and Eclipse editor features.
  • More Features…

We’d love for you to try it out, and get involved!

  • Install the VJET JavaScript IDE Beta  and give us your feedback on the VJET forums.
  • Create a type library that other developers can use with confidence. Check out the example type libraries to get started.
  • Build additional tools on top of our current infrastructure using the VJET Typespace.
  • More ways to get involved…

Come visit us at https://www.ebayopensource.org/index.php/VJET/HomePage.