eBay’s Multi-User Account Access is Now Live to Sellers

By: Lester Dorman and Rekha Patel

eBay is enabling sellers to better manage their business by securely granting access to employees to create drafts, edit and launch listings on their behalf.

Editor's Note: This article was updated June 1, 2020, with the most recent MUAA product features.

eBay now has a solution for sellers that may need help managing their online businesses. Multi-User Account Access (MUAA) is eBay’s latest feature that enables sellers to grant access to Listings within their Seller Hub in a more private and secure way. 

Sellers can now add employees or delegates to perform seller activities on their behalf without giving full access to their eBay account.

Here’s how it works: Sellers invite employees as users, granting each user specific permissions and access for tasks like editing, drafting and publishing listings. Employees then create an account and can access the Seller Hub in their own view. This provides both users — the seller and the employee — added security and privacy for their eBay account.

Check it out on the eBay Account Settings today! 

If you’d like to learn more about how we implemented this feature, read this Engineering blog post.

New 2020 Features

In 2020, we added two new permission areas, View Orders and Terapeak Research, to the MUAA feature. 

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View Orders

The View orders permission allows sellers to grant employees access to view their incoming orders in read-only mode. It provides enough information to facilitate the picking and packing of orders to get them ready for shipping. 

Terapeak Research

The Terapeak Research permission gives employees access to their employer’s Seller Hub Research tab in order to conduct market research on their behalf. Terapeak Research was fully integrated into Seller Hub earlier in March 2020 and full details of this integration and the capabilities of the product are available in this Tech Blog post.

MUAA Expansion to all Seller Hub Sites

In addition to these new permissions, eBay has expanded MUAA availability to all the sites where Seller Hub is available: United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Canada, France, Italy and Spain. Sellers on these sites can now delegate access to employees registered in the same country.