How eBay Service Has You Rollin’ on New Wheels

By: Kenny Crookston

Get the details on our new tire installation service from the product manager who helped create it.

How easily can you fit four tires in the back of your car? Can they all fit in your trunk or will two of them need to ride in the back seat? With eBay’s new tire installation service, you can shop eBay’s amazing selection of tires and never have to answer these questions.

We’re taking our Parts & Accessories game to the next level, making it even easier to actually get your new tires on your car with our tire installation service. As you might have heard, we rolled this service out in Germany today and it will be coming to the U.S. later this summer.

I’m excited about this because it simplifies the journey for our customers and it saves them time. We aren’t just getting you the item but helping you take the next step. You can get the best deal on tires on eBay and then get those tires installed by a local company who knows what they are doing.

My team built this new product with eBay’s Add-on services, using Elasticsearch’s geospatial search—a tool that lets us quickly search through our database and find available tire installation locations near you.

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So, when you buy your tires on eBay, you just have to add on the installation and we’ll use that search tool to pull up a list of pre-screened automotive shops near you, including their locations and price details, then based on that information, you can choose where you want them installed. We will use details about the size of the tires and how many you are buying to match you with the right installation service—all thanks to the work of our Structured Data Team. Then we will actually send the tires directly to the installer because of the work of our Checkout Team—the team responsible for building and enhancing your checkout experience—that allows us to update your shipping location on the fly.

Once you pick your tires and choose the auto shop, the auto shop will contact you to set up an appointment and all you have to do is show up with your car—your tires will be there waiting for you.  

This is just one of the many new and cool changes we are rolling out this year on eBayMotors to make your shopping experience even better.

Tires→Trunk: Problem solved.


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Kenny Crookston is a Senior Product Manager at eBay where he focuses on shopping experiences. He loves the unique challenges offered by eBay’s marketplace, working on new experiences for eBay’s very passionate customers and for a tech leadership team that pushes him and his peers to make our experience better. Kenny is also an avid photographer and formerly worked as a photojournalist.