Next ACM Data Mining Camp at eBay

By: Junling Hu

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is holding its next data mining camp on Saturday, Nov 13.  The event will be hosted by eBay on our San Jose North Campus (2161 N First St, San Jose, CA 95131). So far, more than 345 participants have signed up.

This one-day data mining camp features an expert panel discussion and more than 12 individual sessions. The expert panel includes Neel Sundaresan, Senior Director Research Labs at eBay; Omid Madani, Senior Researcher at SRI; Susan Holmes, Professor at Stanford University; and Lionel Jouffe, CEO and co-founder of Bayesia.

Individual session topics include among others Statistical Design of Experiments, Large-scale Supervised Learning: Parallel Implementation, Text Mining for Financial Market Prediction, and Manipulating Very Large Data Sets with R.

For more information, please visit the event website.

See you next Saturday!