Groot: eBay’s Event-graph-based Approach for Root Cause Analysis
The framework achieves great coverage and performance across different incident triaging scenarios, and also outperforms other state-of-the-art root cause analysis methodologies.
Hanzhang Wang is an applied researcher at eBay. He leads a team of developers and researchers working on AIOps and AI4SE solutions. His recent research interests include intelligent observability, AIOps, RCA, SE, ML and graph algorithms. He has multiple publications in top venues, including FSE, ASE, VLDB, TSC and CIKM. The research outcomes have been transferred into multiple production products for anomaly detection, root cause analysis, developer velocity, etc. Hanzhang also serves as the company-wide university partnership program manager. He received his PhD in Computing Science from the University of Michigan and joined eBay in 2018.