Announcing Marko v3: From HTML to HTML-JS

By: Patrick Steele-Idem

MarkoJS LogoMarko is one of the fastest, lightest, and most powerful HTML templating engines for Node.js and the browser, and we are very pleased to see a healthy and growing community. Marko has been downloaded over 100k times in the first few months of 2016, and the project has a very active Gitter chat room. We are excited to announce some huge improvements to the Marko templating engine as part of the v3 release.

Marko v3 introduces a new HTML-JS syntax and a new parser that makes Marko more intuitive. Marko’s clean, HTML-based syntax has been a strength, but over time it became clear that using a strict HTML parser was actually putting unnecessary constraints on the Marko language that negatively impacted code readability and usability. The new HTML-JS syntax that ships with Marko v3 breaks away from the limitations associated with the standard HTML syntax while still maintaining the look and feel of HTML.

Read more on the MarkoJS blog.