Consumer Sellers: Getting Paid on eBay Just Got Easier

By: Ragesh Chettiary

eBay is expanding its management of payments to consumer sellers over the next year.

In our journey toward a simpler, more modern managed marketplace, eBay is expanding its management of payments to all consumer sellers by the end of 2021. Beginning in Fall 2020, the expansion simplifies and streamlines the selling experience by providing sellers with one place to sell and get paid, and buyers with new, locally relevant payment options.

By enhancing the payments experience to encompass more of our business, we are further building on our work to become the seller platform of choice. Consumer sellers will no longer need to maintain two separate customer service relationships to manage their business and everything can be done in the eBay mobile app, My eBay or Seller Hub on the web.

With eBay managing payments, we now control the end-to-end experience for our sellers and buyers. From consolidated fees, customized reports, monthly statements, refunds and returns to labels and tax documentation, sellers will now be able to access everything directly on eBay. 

Chart describing benefits of managed payments for buyers and sellers

How It Was Built

To create a seamless payment experience for our customers, we built an experience service layer to aggregate all upstream data and serve platform-specific responses to the desktop, mobile web, and iOS and Android app clients. 

This experience service layer was built on Node.js, powered by both open-source and in-house platform Node modules. Similarly, the desktop and mobile web clients were built on Node.js using open-source (e.g., Webpack, Babel, React.js, and eBay Skin) and in-house platform Node modules (e.g., eBayUI React components). The in-house platform Node modules are reusable across different UI applications and enabled for plug-n-play into different application codebases. This helps to guide developers in leveraging a consistent UI layout and experience across different pages in the eBay customer journey, and enables our eBay page flows to be mobile friendly and easy to update.


  • Simpler Fees: eBay selling fees will be deducted automatically from sellers’ earnings before they get paid, and fees are immediately shown in transaction details and monthly statements. The remainder of seller earnings will go directly to their bank account. No more PayPal processing fees. No more separate monthly fee payments. 

  • Convenient Payouts: Sellers will receive all payouts directly to their bank accounts. Sellers may also choose when to get paid: daily or weekly, as funds are available.

  • Seller Protections: Because earning seller trust is our priority, eBay only asks for the information we need to keep sellers safe and pay out their earnings. We have also simplified claim and seller protections to make the seller experience easier. Learn more on how we will use the information here and how we protect sellers’ personal information here.

  • Increased Buyer Choice: Apple Pay is available as a payment option on iPhone and iPad. Google Pay is also available on the eBay site and on the eBay Android App. Buyers can also choose locally relevant payment options like SEPA Direct Debit or Sofort EFT in Germany and Afterpay in Australia.

Getting Started

Once a seller receives an email invitation to register for managed payments, sellers will be able to access the new experience in three easy steps.

1.  Confirm your account details

Screenshot of the user interface for confirming your account

2.  Verify your identity

Screenshot of the user interface for verifying your identity

3.  Add your bank account 

Screenshot of the user interface for adding your bank account

Launch Plan

eBay is currently rolling out its management of payments to sellers in the U.S., Germany, U.K., Australia and Canada, and will be expanding to France, Italy and Spain later in Q1 2021.

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